Thursday, September 22, 2011

Diaspora vs Facebook vs Google+, My story and my final decision.

I remember well, the first time I created my account on facebook. I wanted to check a certain game, that everyone was playing. It interested me as a computer science, how it was possible a simple game, a flash game, could attract the attention of everyone. My desire was to create an app for facebook that could reach millions. After my first desilutions, as normal I moved foward to another project and decided to keep my account, because I was going to a foreign country and I was told that facebook was the best way to know where and when were the parties.
This was what facebook gave me. A social life... Thanks to facebook I knew everytime about all the parties, trips, dinners, everything! It was a easy way to share pictures of all the events, people did all the work for me.

Now the dream is over, I don't use facebook for the same and honests reason as before. Now I only use it because everyone else uses it and I'm afraid...

I'm afraid of all the information I gave to facebook, all my photos and all the accounts that I have in others sites, that I created using facebook login, such as, grooveshark.

Decided to look for another home, I created an account on google+, I prefered the circles thingy and how it's well connected to picasa. Still in beta, google+ is an excelent candidate for next big social network. Give Google a bit more time to work his magic and it's going to be marvelous I don't doubt it.

I'll say it here and now. Google+ is now better than facebook and is going to become even better in the future... BUT....
It still belongs to Google. The colossal company that I have a love hate relationaship.

Luckily, Diaspora is coming! I haven't read much this last 16months about it, I only listened some rumours...
Open-source and you are the king of everything you publish, now that is what I need and want from a social network.
I don't want to be afraid my information is going to be sold (facebook) or that I reached my limit in photos and I need to pay to get more space (google+).

Please, Diaspora, you're my only hope...
I'll be at facebook and google+ until October, so come and save me!

Remember These Guys? Diaspora* Eyes Potential October Launch - LAUNCH -:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Memorable TV moments - ad

Memorable TV moments - ad
Some of the most memorable moments in television. Extremely cool, iconic and historic stuff.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mars Colonization

Would we some day go outer space?
This curiosity, came back after a simple discussion, with a friend, about some Isaac Asimov books.
With America or Australia colonization, back then was basically something of the future.
Are we that far, of going outer space and start the colonization of other planes?
For I see and read, we have the technology. We just need a little push.

There is a interesting paper, related to this topic, that I read and suggest to everyone interested in this subject.

"The economic viability of Mars colonization"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bitcoin the most dangerous invention since the beginning of the internet

It's a new way to transfer money between two person without the intervention of a third party. You can say it's a new type of currency, a virtual currency, that gives value to certain coins made of bits. The Bitcoins.
This reduces the costs of using a third party to zero, and gives total anonymity on the transactions. It's a new type of currency, that is not connected to any country or organization and it is been used to buy drugs, to make bets and other illegal activities. Since it is totally off the records.

The transferences are made in P2P (peer-to-peer), just what like you know as "torrents".

The idea of Bitcoin started in 2009 but in the beginning of this year 2011 (see it here), it started to catch the attention and I consider, that it is now, on the peak of "Gartner Hype Curve".

The "coins", called Bitcoins, are created by the CPU of each user, but their creation and number are regulated in network of user, this way the number of coins that are created, have a steady grow and can be exchange with others for real money. When this post was written, 1 Bitcoin was worth 6.28 USD ( )

Bitcoins are very dangerous. Even if the governments intervene, it's still an open-source and a P2P project, this means it's at the hands of general public and so... it's everywhere.
This was invented with the best intentions. But is just like Alfred Nobel, when he invented the dynamite. Good intentions won't stop others from using it in the wrong way.

If you want to know more, here are some links that will explain further what I wrote:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Maksim / Juliam / Orquestra

Just found this most interesting mix of orquestra and electronic music that I listened and I enjoyed a lot.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today I have learned that...

When you reach your limit, you can always push a little further.

Denmark hopes to claim North Pole

Now this is a very smart move on Denmark. Let's now hope this doesn't start the third world war.